City Way Day Centre provides day support services for older people and younger severely physically disabled.
Older people who attend the centre may have physical disability, sensory impairment or may be frail and have a dementia or mental health issues. Younger people (under 65 years of age) may have a severe congenital physical disability or an acquired degenerative neurological condition.
The overall aim of our service is to provide person-centred, community focused day support for older people and people with physical disability who are vulnerable, at risk and with complex needs. We embrace choice, independence, health promotion and support for carers.
City Way Day Centre aims to provide a varied and structured programme which is in keeping with the principles of person-centred thinking. By maximising the potential of each individual, we aim to encourage acceptance of physical limitations and changes to lifestyles, enhancing the quality of their lives and maintaining independence in the community.
How to access the service
For more information about City Way Day Centre or the application process, please contact:
Jill Cowan, Manager at City Way Day Centre, on 028 9504 0580
Referrals are accepted from Social Workers, Care Managers, Community Psychiatric Nurses, Social Care Co-Ordinators, Speech & Language Therapists, GPs, Day Hospital, Psycho Geriatrician or Parkinson`s Disease Society.