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Island Resource Centre

The Island Resource Centre is one of a range of day support services provided by the Belfast Trust.

The centre provides day support for adults with physical and sensory disabilities who live in aast Belfast and are between the ages of 18 years and 65 years.

The centre aims to provide a varied and structured programme, which will improve the quality of life for the individuals who attend and which is in keeping with the principles of person centred planning.

Activities at the centre

The centre offer a variety of activities including arts and crafts, computer skills, music therapy, gardening, games, cookery group, sensory therapies, creative writing and danderball.

Outreach activities include swimming, shopping, places of interest, monthly cinema trips and the “Hopefuls” annual Newcastle weekend each September.

An Occupational Therapist is employed at the centre to assess the needs of all new service users referred to the centre and to provide further support if required.

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) provide advisory service at the centre each Wednesday morning.

Services delivered at this location


The Island Resource Centre

Cuba Walk

Call us028 9504 3140