Work experience programme (16 to 18 year olds)
We provide a work experience programme for 16 to 18 year olds to help them make decisions about their academic and career choices. If you are interested in gaining work experience with us, visit the Work Inspiration website for Belfast Trust.
We agree to as many work experience requests as possible. However, demand can be high in certain areas.
For careers teachers
If you are a careers teacher and want to find out more about Work Inspiration, go to the Work Inspiration website.
We also offer adult placement opportunities to help people enhance their career, do research or develop themselves. People on placements do not receive payment from Belfast Trust.
How to apply
If you wish to apply for an unpaid development placement, please contact the relevant service area to discuss your request. If the placement can be arranged, you will be asked to complete a placement agreement pack and submit it to the service manager. You may need to submit specific documentation relevant to the placement.
For some placements, it may be necessary to carry out an Access NI or police check before the placement agreement is issued.
We agree to as many placement requests as possible. However, demand can be high in certain areas.
If you are interested in a placement in the Belfast Trust please email HRPOD@belfasttrust.hscni.net.