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Equal opportunities for all

Belfast Health & Social Care Trust is an equal opportunities employer and committed to diversity, inclusion and appointing the best person for the job irrespective of religious belief (community background), political opinion, gender (including gender identity / reassignment, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnic origin, age and those with or without dependents.

Individuals of Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic (BAME) heritage are currently underrepresented within our organisation, therefore applications from BAME people are particularly welcome. In addition, for posts based in the West Belfast area, the Trust welcomes applications from the Protestant Male Community who are underrepresented in Pay Band 1–4 posts. All applications will be assessed on merit.

Support for staff

We support a regional LGBT network led by the Public Health Agency. The forum provides a safe and welcoming space for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people working within health and social care. The aim is to promote an inclusive working environment and improve wellbeing.

Bullying and harassment support service

We are proud of our diverse workforce. We are committed to the principle that the dignity of all staff must be respected and staff should feel valued in the workplace.

Policies on working well together and harassment are in place. Our HR team provides a confidential Bullying and Harassment Support Service.

Initiatives and awards

  • Positive Action

    The latest ‘Positive Action’ employability programme resulted in nine trainees being offered jobs within Patient Client Support Services (PCSS) following a 14 week training programme.

    The graduation ceremony took place in Riddell Hall, Belfast, where family, friends and new colleagues joined the graduates.

    Watch our video on how ‘Positive Action’ has impacted the trainees and their families, and how they are making a valuable contribution to the Trust.

  • Domestic Abuse Policy

    In December 2018, the Trust marked the 10 year anniversary of its Domestic Abuse Policy and support service for staff. The event took place on International Human Rights Day.

  • Shopmobility

    Almost 3,000 people in the last year have used Shopmobility services on the Royal Hospitals and Belfast City Hospital sites.

    Shopmobility Belfast helps patients and visitors with restricted mobility. It provides electric scooters and wheelchairs to help people get around hospital sites. Shopmobility staff will meet and greet patients and visitors who require the service.

  • Read&Write software

    We have a license for Read&Write literacy software, which helps employees with additional language or literacy needs.

  • Corporate Plan 2021–2023 in easy read format
  • Trust encourages staff to talk about the menopause in work

    Staff across the Trust are being encouraged to talk about the menopause. It should no longer be a taboo subject. We are asking staff to talk openly about menopausal symptoms without embarrassment. Managers are asked to engage with staff and to normalise the discussions.

  • Supporting staff with a caring role

    We recognise that many of our staff are carers and have introduced a Carers’ Framework. Please visit the carers’ services section to read about the services we offer.

  • Ethnic Minority Staff Network

    Belfast HSC Trust have created an Ethnic Minority Staff Network (EMSN) to support, enable and maintain a safe, inclusive and diverse working environment for staff and eliminate racial discrimination. Our network aims to provide advice and ensure that the opinions, concerns and needs of our staff from ethnic minority backgrounds are understood and recognized by the Trust and beyond. The network helps contribute in implementing meaningful change, addressing underrepresentation and challenging racism in all its forms.

    Please get in touch if you would like more information – we would love you to join and get involved-


  • Disability Positive AAA* Accreditation

    The Trust has been awarded the Disability Positive AAA* Accreditation from Employers for Disability, Northern Ireland (EFDNI).  This award recognises that the Trust have demonstrated their commitment to the employment of disabled people across our workforce. EFDNI noted that the Trust continuously work to high standards and are among the best disability positive employers in Northern Ireland. We welcome candidates with disabilities to apply for roles across all pay bands.  The Trust continues to employ staff with disabilities and has in place an effective Disability Toolkit that assists both the employee and manager in discussing/implementing any reasonable adjustments that may be required.