Glencairn Day Centre is a day support service provided by Belfast Trust. The Day Centre is registered to provide a maximum of 30-day care places per day for older people (65+) with a range of physical/sensory and/or cognitive impairment that affects activities of their daily living that requires extra support to remain in the community. Attendance can vary from 1-5 days per week according to assessed need.
The centre is open every weekday from 9.00am–4.30pm. (Closed Bank Holidays)
Glencairn Day Centre provides day care for the North & West Belfast catchment area. Service users, family and carers are encouraged to make their own way to the centre. If this is not possible the day centre will strive to provide specialist transport for those service users assessed as requiring this service.
The Centre is committed to providing a high quality service to its service users by providing a therapeutic, stimulating and social environment which encourages and promotes independence.
Referrals are accepted from a range of health professionals within Health and Social Services (GP, Social Worker, Social Care Assessor, Social Care Co-ordinator, Community Psychiatric Nurse and District Nurse). These will brought to the attention of the Day Care Admissions Panel, which consists of Assistant Service Manager, Day Centre Manager and Occupational Therapist.
In respect of service users who require OT/Physio or other specialist therapeutic interventions, the key worker in the community has the responsibility to refer to the appropriate professional for any required assessments and interventions prior to admission. There are no therapeutic specialist staff currently employed in Glencairn Day Centre although these services can be accessed via the centre.