This is a department separate from the Admission Assessment Unit. It focuses on issues specific to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Early pregnancy can be a worrying time and we want to provide the best care for you. Assessment at this clinic may involve an internal ultrasound scan and blood sampling. You can be accompanied by a maximum of two people, but we cannot allow children.
The Early Pregnancy Unit is staffed by trained midwives and a consultant obstetrician is available if required.
It is open from 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, and you need an appointment.
If your condition changes before your appointment, please attend the Admission Assessment Unit.
How to access the service
Referrals can be made by GPs, Emergency Departments, midwives and the Admission Assessment Unit. Self-referrals are also accepted by using the contacts below.
Contact telephone numbers: 028 9615 1197 or 028 9615 1198
Useful links
Leaflets to help guide you:
Your choices for treatment of miscarriage
Medical management of miscarriage
Pregnancy of unknown viability
If you lose your baby
Unfortunately not all pregnancies are ongoing. Experienced midwifery staff will guide you through the options.
We work closely with:
- Barbara Gergett, childbirth and loss midwife – Tel: 028 961 56378, Mobile: 075 4074 8708
- chaplaincy department
- bereavement charities
Please view Bereavement Support Service leaflet