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Childbirth Review Service

Childbirth review midwife

Childbirth is a major event and may impact on your life for many years afterwards. We appreciate that some aspects of your pregnancy and birth may have been difficult or traumatic.

Talking to a midwife about your birth may help you understand what happened and may help you cope with your experience.

The childbirth review service gives you an opportunity to review your birth with a midwife who will listen and provide information about your experience.

This midwife works closely with all those involved in maternity care, including midwives, doctors and clinical psychologists.

Download the Childbirth Review Service leaflet.

Contact details

Barbara Gergett is our childbirth review midwife. You can contact Barbara on: 075 4074 8708.

Barbara will respond by telephone to arrange a suitable time for your appointment.

Alternatively, you can ask your community midwife, health visitor or GP to refer you to the service.