Attendance by appointment only
There is no central phone number. Please contact individual services.
Opening hours
Please note that the opening hours for services in the centre may differ from those listed above. If in doubt, confirm the opening times with the service prior to visiting – you can find their details below.
Monday | 8.45am to 5pm |
Tuesday | 8.45am to 5pm |
Wednesday | 8.45am to 5pm |
Thursday | 8.45am to 5pm |
Friday | 8.45am to 5pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Services provided in the centre
Paediatric Occupational Therapy (Children) | 028 9504 0310 |
Breast Feeding Peer Support Coordinator | 028 9504 4246 |
Mental Health Physical Healthcare Pathway | 028 9504 5478 |
Mental Health Team | 028 9504 5600 |
Northern Ireland New Entrants Service (NINES) | 028 9504 2830 |
GP practices
Drs McHugh & Campbell | 028 9032 0160 |
HEART Project – Building 1
Heart Project | 028 9031 0346 |
Sure Start | 028 9032 7755 |
Other services / support groups
Aware (defeat depression) support group | 028 9035 7820 |
Connected Community Care | 028 9504 2846 |
Contact NI | 028 9074 4499 |
DAISY | 028 9043 5815 |
Lifeline | 0808 808 8000 |
Nexus | 028 9032 6803 |
Baby change
Parent baby change room is located on the ground floor.
Maureen Sheehan Centre
106 Albert Street
BT12 4HL