Admission in labour

For entry at night when doors are locked, please press buzzer for attention
The area at the front of the Maternity Hospital is a drop off zone. However, it must be left clear for ambulances. You can park in the main visitors’ car park opposite the hospital.
The main hospital doors are closed at night for security reasons. To enter, press the buzzer on the right hand side of the doors (see photo). A member of staff will give you access.
What to bring
You only need to bring essential items with you. Most women do not stay overnight. Women who stay overnight usually go home as soon as their condition allows.
For you
- Comfortable loose clothes and slippers
- Pants or disposable pants
- Bras or nursing bras for breastfeeding
- Bath and face towels
- Soap and toiletries
- Sanitary towels, preferably maternity pads
- Box of tissues
- Breast pads
For your baby
- Bath towel
- Baby soap or baby bath liquid
- Baby clothes
- Baby blanket
- Disposable nappies (24 pack)
- Cotton wool
- Bibs