Mount Oriel Day Centre is situated at the Inns on the Saintfield Road, Belfast. It provides two programmes of Day Care and Support; one for older people and one for adults with learning disability.
Older people who attend the centre may have physical disability, sensory impairment, or may be frail and have dementia or mental health issues. Day Care for people with learning disability is provided both within the centre and in the wider community, in our Skyways Club based in Ballynafeigh Community Centre, and takes account of the needs of younger school leavers with complex health and learning needs.
The overall aim of the centre is to provide a person-centred service which is dynamic and diverse enough to meet the social, community-based, educational, vocational, and cultural needs of each individual choosing to access a daytime service within the centre. We seek to support choice, independence, health promotion and support for carers.
For further information on our Learning Disability Programme and services, click here.
How to access the service
For more information about Mount Oriel Day Centre or the application process, please contact: Suzanne Collins, Manager at Mount Oriel Day Centre, on 028 9504 2695
Referrals are accepted from Social Workers, Care Managers, Community Psychiatric Nurses, Social Care Coordinators, Speech & Language Therapists, GPs, Day Hospital, Psycho Geriatrician or Parkinson`s Disease Society.