Enler Day Centre is one of a range of day support services provided by Belfast Trust. The centre provides day support for for older people and is situated in the heart of the community in Dundonald. The facility is linked to other parts of the Enler development to provide opportunities for older people to engage in stimulating activities within their local community.
Enler Day Centre is committed to providing a high quality service to its users by providing a therapeutic and stimulating environment which encourages respect, dignity, individuality and promotes independence.
The Enler Day Centre aims to deliver a range of services which empower and support older people with a range of needs such as mild dementia, physical and sensory disabilities.
Activities provided in the centre include interactive quizzes, bowls, reminiscence, armchair aerobics, choir, bingo, gardening, arts and crafts, cookery, knitting and crochet.
Our own centre hairdresser is on site in our hair salon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; 10am – 2pm.
Reminiscence groups includes visits to local community places of interest in Belfast, these activities include afternoon slide shows facilitated by staff and local historians.
A variety of innovative working practices are used including small group work, individual sessions, and groups relating to specific interests or needs.
At special times throughout the year we also provide concerts, parties and entertainment using in-house staff skills and talents and also using voluntary and professional musicians and choirs.
How to access the service
For more information about Enler Day Centre, please contact: Gerry Robinson (Manager) on 028 9504 2790