Mullan Mews is a modern supported housing scheme for people living with dementia. It’s a partnership between Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and Clanmil Housing Group.
The facility provides five spacious houses. Each house accommodates six people living with dementia. The houses are decorated as the tenants have requested. There are homely communal areas and beautiful gardens to combine comfort, independence and support.
Mullan Mews is in a residential area, which is close to local amenities and public transport on the Woodstock Road. The city centre is easily accessible by public transport.
Care and support
Tenants at Mullan Mews are encouraged to remain independent and stay actively involved in all decisions about their health and wellbeing. The tenants live in shared households and regularly socialise at group meals, outings and shopping trips. This allows tenants to enjoy each other’s company and stay connected within the local community.
Belfast Trust staff provide 24 hour care and support according to each person’s assessed needs. This means each tenant can live independently in their own home.
A range of assistive technology is available to maintain tenant safety within each home.
How to access the service
For more information about Mullan Mews or the application process, please contact:
Mullan Mews on 028 9046 6480
Clanmil Housing on 028 9087 6000