We provide many services at out Hospital sites:
- A
- Acute mental health inpatient services
- Acute pain
- Addiction services
- Adult cystic fibrosis service
- Adult Protection Gateway Team
- Allied health professions
- Ambulatory Care
- Amputee Rehabilitation Centre
- Anaesthetics, theatres and sterile services
- Audiology
- C
- Cancer services
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiology
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
- Child and Family Clinic
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Children’s Acquired Brain Injury Consultation Service
- Children’s Acute Pain Service
- Children’s Disability Service
- Children’s Eye Services
- Children’s speech and language therapy
- Cleft Lip and Palate Service (Northern Ireland)
- Clinical Genetics Service
- Clinical Psychology
- Clinical psychology for a cleft lip and / or palate
- Community mental health perinatal service
- Complex Needs Team
- Condition Management Programme
- Critical Care
- D
- Dementia Resources
- Dental care for a cleft lip and / or palate
- Dental services
- Dermatology
- Diabetic Eye Screening Programme
- Diagnostic radiography
- E
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
- Emergency Departments
- Endocrine surgery
- Endoscopy
- ENT Rapid Access Clinic
- Eye Casualty
- Eye Outpatient Diagnostic Unit (EODU)
- N
- Nephrology
- Neurological Care Advice Service
- Neurology Unit
- Nursing Homes
- Nutrition and dietetics
- O
- Occupational therapy
- Ophthalmology (Eye Care)
- Oral medicine
- Oral surgery
- Orthodontics
- Orthopaedic ICATS
- Orthopaedics
- Orthoptics
- Osteoporosis
- P
- Paediatric anaesthesia
- Paediatric Audiology
- Paediatric clinical psychology
- Paediatric dentistry
- Paediatric dermatology
- Paediatric Emergency Department
- Paediatric intensive care
- Paediatric neurodisability
- Paediatric neuropsychology
- Paediatric pharmacy
- Paediatric radiology
- Paediatric Respiratory Medicine
- Paediatric Respiratory Medicine
- Paediatric Surgery
- Palliative and end of life care
- Patient Information Leaflets
- Patient journey
- Persistent Pain Service
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry
- Prosthetics
- Psychology
- Psychotherapy
- R
- Regional Acquired Brain Injury Unit
- Regional Anaesthesia
- Regional Andrology Service
- Regional Burns Service and Plastic Surgery
- Regional Emergency Social Work Service
- Regional Forensic Unit – Shannon Clinic
- Regional Functional Electrical Stimulation Service
- Regional Gender Identity Service
- Regional Head and Neck Service
- Regional Limb Fitting Service
- Regional Liver Unit
- Regional Medical Physics Service
- Regional Neurorehabilitation Services
- Regional Psychosexual Service
- Regional Rehabilitation Engineering Centre
- Regional Specialised Seating Service
- Regional Wheelchair Service
- Respiratory medicine
- Restorative dentistry
- Rheumatology
- S
- Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Service
- Sexual health and HIV services
- Sexual health services
- Social work
- Special care dentistry
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Speech and language therapy for a cleft lip and / or palate
- Spinal Cord Injuries Unit
- Staff Care Services
- Stop smoking service