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Stop smoking service

What the service does

The stop smoking service supports patients and staff to do the single most important thing they do can to improve their quality of life. Stop smoking specialists can offer a range of support, including:

  • motivational assistance
  • confidence building
  • behavioural support
  • nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

Smokers are four times more likely to quit with the support of a stop smoking specialist.

Visit the Public Health Agency’s stop smoking website for lots more information and support to give up smoking for good.

Tips to help you stop smoking
  • Avoid situations where you feel like smoking.
  • Get rid of smoking accessories.
  • Get help and support from a stop smoking service near you.
  • Pick a day to quit and stick to it.
  • Choose other activities to replace the habit.
  • Buy something special with the money you have saved.
  • Take it one day at a time.
Carbon monoxide monitoring in pregnancy

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that you cannot see, smell or taste. When tobacco products are burned, carbon monoxide is produced. It is then absorbed in your lungs and enters your bloodstream.

Carbon monoxide is particularly harmful in pregnancy. Carbon monoxide in the mother’s blood passes into the baby’s bloodstream. This poses considerable risks for both mother and baby. All pregnant women are now screened for carbon monoxide at their first antenatal appointment.

Who provides the service

Paul O’Kane provides support for patients and staff in:

Tel: 028 9504 9951

Fiona McCambridge and Caroline Semple are Stop Smoking Specialist Midwives.

Fiona is based in the Midwife-Led Unit at the Mater Hospital and Caroline is based in the Maternity Hospital.



  • Fiona: 028 9504 2602
  • Caroline: 028 9504 4126

Joseph Burns and David Forgoine are our smoking wardens.


How to access the service

Staff can refer patients, other staff members or themselves to the stop smoking service any day of the week by following this link: http://intranet.belfasttrust.local/directorates/nue/Pages/Smoking-Cessation-Team.aspx

Useful links

NHS smokefree
Stop smoking NI
Public Health Agency statement on e-cigarettes

Locations where this service is delivered

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