- Plan ahead and have the appropriate foods available
- Start the day with a healthy breakfast and continue with regular meals throughout the day
- Aim to include at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day
- Aim to fill your plate mostly with vegetables/salad , followed by carbs like potatoes, pasta or bread and a smaller amount of meat, fish, egg or beans
- Choose foods and drinks that are low in fat and sugar and limit sweet and salty snacks
- If you drink, reduce your alcohol intake as it is high in calories
- Watch your portion sizes, especially when eating out
- Avoid eating at the same time as doing something else, for example, when working, reading or watching TV
- Eat slowly, concentrate on and really taste what you are putting in your mouth
- It takes time for your brain to know your stomach is full so wait at least 5 -10 minutes before deciding if you need more