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HIV service

What the service does
How to access the service
Location of service
Useful links

What the service does

The HIV service is part of our Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) Department. We provide inpatient care and outpatient clinics that take place throughout the week in the Royal Victoria Hospital.

How to access the service

Please contact our HIV clinic on 028 9615 1115 between 1pm and 4.30pm if:

  • you are a newly diagnosed HIV patient who wants to register for care
  • you are a HIV patient who wants to transfer your care to our service

Existing HIV patients should ring 028 9615 1115 between 8.15am and 10.15am to request an appointment.

For details of what to do in an emergency, please see the main sexual health services page.

If you have an issue with medication, please contact the pharmacist on 028 9615 0895 or check the HIV drug interactions website.

Newly diagnosed HIV patients

If you are a newly diagnosed HIV patient, you should expect to be seen in the HIV clinic within two weeks of your diagnosis. With early access to good and effective treatment, most people with HIV can live a longer, healthier life. Treatment can also help reduce the spread of the infection.

Being diagnosed with HIV can be very challenging. At the HIV clinic, we have a team of specialists who can offer emotional support throughout your care journey, including:

If you had unprotected sex within the last 72 hours, your partner may need prevention treatment (PEP). Please do not have sex again until you have been assessed at the HIV clinic. Contact the clinic on 028 9615 2111 between 8.15am and 10.15am to request an appointment or go to your nearest Emergency Department outside working hours.

HIV Service User Forum

The HIV Service User Forum (SUF) gives people living with HIV a platform to engage with the services that deliver their care. The forum also allows service users to provide important peer support to others living with HIV in Northern Ireland.

The forum is made up primarily of people living with HIV and also includes:

Meetings take place four times a year and discussions within the group are treated as confidential, unless otherwise stated.

The forum welcomes new members or contributions from service users or those affected by HIV. For more information, please email:

Location of service

For more details on the location of HIV clinics, please see the main sexual health services page.

Useful links

Positive Life
The Rainbow Project
Terrence Higgins Trust
Aids Map

Locations where this service is delivered

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