What the service does
Who provides the service
How to access the service
Location of service
What the service does
Medical physics is the use of physics and engineering to deliver high-quality, safe healthcare. Medical physics services and staff play a crucial role in the delivery of a modern healthcare service.
The Regional Medical Physics Service (RMPS) is organised into five main service delivery areas:
- radiotherapy physics
- radioisotopes comprising nuclear medicine, radiopharmacy and cyclotron facilities
- radiological imaging and protection
- clinical engineering and computing
Much of this work involves using radiation and complex equipment for either diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
The Regional Medical Physics Service is also responsible for:
- optimisation, calibration and quality assurance of equipment, for example:
- radiotherapy treatment units
- x-ray and nuclear medicine imaging systems
- specialist clinical engineering support and advice on the management and use of a wide range of medical equipment
- supporting and undertaking research and development activities, for example:
- scientific investigation
- development and testing of equipment
- clinical trials
Medical physics staff are also involved in the development and implementation of new protocols and treatment techniques for the equipment mentioned above.
Who provides the service
The Regional Medical Physics Service has around 130 staff. The team is made up of:
- clinical scientists and engineers
- clinical technologists
- nurses
- pharmacists
- admin and clerical staff
How to access the service
The Regional Medical Physics Service is accessed by all Health and Social Care Trusts across Northern Ireland.
Location of service
Cancer Centre:
- Radiotherapy physics service
- Nuclear medicine
Royal Victoria Hospital:
- Nuclear medicine, radiopharmacy, cyclotron
- Clinical engineering and computing
Forster Green Hospital:
- Radiological imaging and protection services
Email: medical.physics@belfasttrust.hscni.net