About the service
Clinic locations
Emergency contraception
Progestogen only pill
Long acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs)
Sayana Press
Young people
Interpreting services
Postnatal contraception
Unplanned pregnancy
Abortion care
Useful websites
About the service
Please note we no longer have walk-in clinics.
We offer contraception and abortion care for Belfast Trust area.
Telemedicine clinics (028 9504 5500)
- Monday to Thursday from 9am to 11:30am and 1.30pm to 3.30pm
- Friday from 9am to 11.30am
These sessions may occasionally be unavailable or reduced due to staffing levels/training.
We are piloting a new self referral process via Microsoft forms for contraception, please click here to fill out the form.
If you wish to use this instead of phoning please complete the form above and a member of the team will get back to you within 5 working days.
NB If you need urgent advice or emergency contraception then please ring or see section below on emergency contraception.
Contraception is also available from your GP, pharmacist, online from SH:24 and Common Youth if under 25.
After an initial telephone consultation, you will be invited to a face-to-face appointment if necessary. Our current waiting time for coils or implants is 4-6 weeks.
All our services are free and confidential. We do not share information with your GP without your consent.
If you are looking for information or a test for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), please visit our GUM clinic page.
Clinic locations
Face-to-face appointments for procedures and treatment will be at the following locations:
- College Street Clinic
- Arches Wellbeing and Treatment Centre
- Beech Hall Wellbeing and Treatment Centre
- Carlisle Wellbeing and Treatment Centre
SH:24 Online Contraception
Free oral contraception, contraceptive pills and repeat supplies of Sayana Press self-injectable are available online via SH:24 to anyone over the age of 16. Home testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be ordered at the same time.
This service has been very popular since its initial pilot in February 2022, with excellent user feedback.SH:24 are experts in sexual and reproductive health and work in partnership with the NHS to provide contraception and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing.
You can order pills here SH:24 online order page
Emergency contraception
Please note: Oral emergency contraception is more effective the sooner you take it after unprotected sex. A copper intrauterine device (IUD) is the most effective method of emergency contraception and is available in our clinics.
You can contact our service on 028 9504 5500(see above)
Emergency contraception (‘morning after pill’) is now available FREE from participating pharmacies in NI. Find your nearest pharmacy here. This is an excellent option at weekends.
There are 2 different types of oral emergency contraception If using this scheme or buying emergency pills please let the pharmacist know if you are or have recently been on a hormonal method of contraception as this influences which pill is most appropriate for you.
You can also get emergency contraception from your GP.
Progestogen only pill
In addition to obtaining free from our clinic, GP or SH:24, the desogestrel progestogen only pill (Cerazette/Cerelle/Zelleta) is now available without prescription to buy in pharmacies and online under the names Hana or Lovima.
A consultation with a pharmacist is required.
Long acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs)
These are the most effective method and include the:
- copper coil
- hormonal coil (IUS)
- implant
- injectables
Please ring for an initial telephone consultation. You will then be added to the waiting list and contacted within a few weeks. Alternative contraception e.g. pills can be offered while waiting for a procedure.
Mirena IUS is now licensed for contraception for 8 years in the UK. There is no need to have it changed before this, however if you have any concerns please contact us.
Kyleena IUS can be used for 5 years and Nexplanon implant for 3 years.
Sayana Press
We are delighted to offer Sayana Press – an injectable method you can be taught to administer yourself, reducing the need for clinic visits and with a smaller needle than Depo-Provera. You are provided with a year’s supply. If interested please see further information on link above and the video demonstrating the injection technique.
If you are already on this method you can now also order repeat supplies from SH:24.
Young people
We are happy to see young people, but if you are aged 25 or under, you can also get contraception and sexual health advice from Common Youth: 028 9032 8866.
Interpreting services
We can offer telephone or face-to-face consultations for those who cannot speak English. These consultations are with an interpreter or through The Big Word telephone translation service.
Postnatal contraception
Contraception is required if you are sexually active three weeks after delivery.
Staff in the Maternity Hospital can refer you, or you can self-refer on 028 9504 5500 during clinic hours.
Progestogen only methods – progestogen only pill, injection or implant – can be started anytime.
Intrauterine methods – copper coil, Mirena or Kyleena – can be inserted after four weeks if not offered at the time of delivery.
NHS Fife have useful information on postnatal contraception options. Visit their site here.
Planning a Pregnancy
You can improve your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy by following the steps by clicking this page.
Unplanned pregnancy
Informing Choices NI offers pregnancy choices counselling and advice.
Common Youth also offer counselling to those under the age of 25.
Abortion care
Abortion is legal in Northern Ireland and available in all Trusts.
We offer early medical abortion and surgical abortion under local anaesthetic (up to 11 weeks and six days of pregnancy) through the Rose Clinic.
If you are over 12 weeks we can also offer a consultation to discuss your options.
To find out more, please click here.
Referral is by completing an online self referral form via BPAS here.
Useful websites
Watch the video below to find out more from our team: