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Dementia Navigator

What is the role of the Dementia Navigator?

As part of the Connected Community Care service, Dementia Navigators work with individuals and their carers across greater Belfast to

  • provide pre-diagnostic information and support for people who have been referred for a memory assessment by their GP and are waiting for an appointment or who have already been given a formal diagnosis of dementia and are living with the condition.
  • provide information, support and signposting for carers and family members and can be a single point of contact throughout their journey.
  • support with basic strategies to support people with dementia to continue to live independently.
  • support carers of people with dementia to support them developing an understanding of the condition or with developing strategies to respond to behaviours associated with dementia.
  • provide the opportunity to discuss any challenges and discuss opportunities for social engagement and planning for the future.

What can I expect from this service?

When a referral is received, you will be contacted by a Dementia Navigator who will explore your individual needs using a person-centred holistic approach. On talking with the Dementia Navigator, you may feel a more in-depth discussion would be useful, they can then arrange to come out and visit you at home.

With your consent, you will be signposted or referred to relevant services to try to meet their specific needs at that time. This could be information about dementia friendly activities and social opportunities, education about dementia for the person living with the condition and/or their carers to enhance their understanding of dementia and raising awareness about other supports from statutory, community and voluntary services in Belfast and how to access these supports when they are needed.

Information Leaflets and booklets are available.

How do I access this service?

To self-refer contact : 028 9504 2700, lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Exclusion Criteria

If an individual is already open to a professional within the Community mental Health Team for Older People, they do not meet the criteria for this referral pathway.

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More information

For general enquires or questions about the Dementia Navigator service please email or 028 9590 1407.


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