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Residential Accommodation for Older People

Belfast Trust has nine residential homes. These homes provide care for people aged over 65 who have physical and cognitive impairment. Some of the homes provide beds for short-term stays, respite and day care to assist carers.

All the residential homes are registered with the Regulation Quality and Improvement Authority (RQIA). The homes are all subject to announced and unannounced inspections by the RQIA. Current and past inspection reports are available on request from the registered managers.

Residential care is different from nursing care. Residential care focuses on delivering quality personal and social care services, for example:

  • help with washing
  • dressing
  • bathing
  • meals
  • assistance through the night
  • emotional and social support etc

Residential homes for people with dementia

  • Killynure House
  • Orchardville House
  • Brae Valley
  • Ballyowen House
  • Bruce House (Bruce House also has a seven bed respite / short-term care unit on site)

Residential homes for physically frail older people

  • Chestnut Grove

How to access the service

A social worker can discuss long-term residential care options with you.

Referrals can be made by a social worker or care manager. They can be contacted at your local wellbeing and treatment centre or social services office. Your GP or most healthcare professionals can also help you get in contact.

Eligibility for general residential care
  • Aged over 65 years
  • Should have some degree of mobility
  • Will need assistance with all daily living tasks but require no major nursing care

Each individual will have an assessment. This will be arranged by a care manager and carried out by your GP, along with a social worker, occupational therapist, physiotherapist or other relevant healthcare professionals.

Although most people admitted to the residential homes live in the greater Belfast area, some people may request admission from elsewhere to be closer to family. These requests will be considered in line with bed availability.

Eligibility for dementia care
Have a dementia or cognitive impairment
Require assistance of one person only, with aspects of personal care
Be mobile with or without an aid


  • Ballyowen
  • Brae Valley House
  • Bruce House
  • Killynure House
  • Orchardville House

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