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Supported Housing for Older People

Supported housing aims to ensure each tenant can live as independently as possible. The living environment is carefully designed so risks are minimised. The service focuses on each tenant’s unique situation and works in partnership with the tenants and their families.

Supported housing for older people

Fairholme has 40 flats located close to the Ormeau Road. It caters for elderly people who may have physical or mental health needs, including people with dementia.

Supported housing for people with dementia
  • Sydenham Court has 22 single and three double apartments located close to the Holywood Road.
  • Mullan Mews has five spacious terraced houses located close to the Woodstock Road. Each house accommodates six tenants.
  • Hemsworth Court has 35 modern one and two bedroom apartments located close to the Shankill Road.
  • Cullingtree Meadows is a new scheme with 30 modern one and two bedroom apartments located close to the Grosvenor Road.

How to access the service

Applications can be made through a care manager or social worker.

Applications must also be made to the Housing Executive, but your social worker or care manager can help you with this.


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