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Bereaved by Suicide Service

Bereaved by suicide - Belfast Trust Support Service banner

When someone dies by suicide, those left behind have to deal with an overwhelming range of practical and emotional issues. At first it can be difficult to think about getting support because all your energy will go into surviving and coping with all the challenging and practical problems that may arise. Within the Bereaved by Suicide Service we are here to support you at the right time for you or your family. Grieving is very individual and our service is tailored to meet your individual needs. There is no time limit for when a person can avail of the Bereaved by Support Service.

In Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Darren Whiteside is the Bereavement Support and Service Improvement Officer. He is responsible for the postvention bereavement support services and the continued development of the Trust’s suicide Prevention Strategy – Protect Life.

He supports community responses to suicides in the Belfast area and has a role in the monitoring and surveillance of suicide incidents in the Belfast area.

He compassionately makes initial contact with families bereaved through suicide and co-ordinating follow-on support.

Darren facilitates and maintains partnerships working with voluntary, statutory and community organizations to deliver on Trust priorities, policies and strategies.

He is based within the Community & Partnership division within the Mental health Directorate and Supports and contributes in delivery of the Towards Zero Suicide project across Mental Health Services.

Darren also supports and delivers, in consultation with the Belfast Trust and HSC Board senior managers, an improvement and modernisation programme in the Trust that improves the delivery of Mental Health services.

If you would like more information, please contact: or 02895044471

Comkit Online Support Platform

A new online platform has been launched to help support communities following a sudden death that is a suspected suicide.

Comkit is supported by the Public Health Agency (PHA) and has been developed with Urban Scale Interventions (USI) in partnership with Families’ Voices Forum as well as community and voluntary groups who are members of local Protect Life Implementation Groups (PLIGS) from five health and social care trusts.

It can be accessed at


The Help is at Hand booklet provides support after someone may have died by suicide in Northern Ireland. Click the image below to download the booklet.

Help is at Hand book cover - Support after someone may have died by suicide in NI


Other useful links:

Minding Your Head
Lifeline | Lifeline Helpline
5 steps to mental wellbeing

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