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Musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy outpatients

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy helps people who are experiencing joint pains, muscle pains, sprains and strains.

On this page you will find information about the musculoskeletal physiotherapy service.

There are also links to self-management advice and information to help you to help yourself while you are waiting on an appointment.

To self-refer to musculoskeletal physiotherapy please see our self-referral form.


How to make the most of your physiotherapy appointments – this has been written by a patient for patients.

Leaflet about physiotherapy and how it can help you maintain muscle, joint and bone health.

Location of service

This is an outpatient service – you will receive an appointment at one of our physiotherapy outpatient clinics.

Information on how you can self-manage your injury/condition.

Information about specific body areas.

While you are waiting for an appointment, you may find information about self-management useful.

Self referral, physio, Physio self referral, Refer to physio, Physio referral, Physiotherapy, MSK