Primary 1 Health Review
The school nursing team will be visiting your child’s school to offer your child their P1 health review.
The school nursing service aims to promote the physical, emotional and mental health of all children and young people during their time at school. The services offered will help to identify health and developmental issues and enable appropriate action to be taken.
Before signing the consent form please read carefully the enclosed information on the reverse of this letter regarding who can consent for health reviews and immunisations. The consent form is asking for the details of your child’s health and includes questions about your child’s health and development and a Tuberculosis (TB) risk assessment. If required your child may be referred to another service for further TB assessment. Your child will not be receiving any immunisations at this contact.
Please ensure all forms are completed as accurately as possible and signed by the person who has Parental Responsibility and returned to school the following day.
Your child can only be seen if the enclosed form is fully completed and you have given your consent. The school nursing team will review the information you provide and complete the P1 health review in the school your child attends over the coming weeks. If you wish to be present for the review, please contact the School Nurse on the contact number enclosed, to make an appointment. This number can also be used if you wish to discuss your child’s health or development.
A member of the school nursing team may be in contact to feedback the outcome following the P1 health review. The P1 health review includes the following:
- Vision screening –it is important that your child’s vision is screened in Primary 1. Your child’s vision will be assessed by covering one eye at a time and matching or reading letters/pictures at a set distance from an eye test chart. If your child wears glasses these will be required, as vision will be screened wearing the prescription glasses.
- Hearing screening – your child will be asked to wear headphones and respond to a range of sounds.
- Growth monitoring – this will require your child to remove their shoes before standing under a height measure and to remove any heavy clothes e.g. blazer or fleece before standing on weighing scales.
Healthy eating for school age children – choosing a wide variety of food from the different food groups is the best way to make sure your child is getting all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Please see below information link for parents/carers.
Healthy choices. Choose wisely: advice for parents | HSC Public Health Agency
If you have returned the form giving your consent, but your child misses the P1 health review in school, for example due to absence or illness, the school nursing service will offer your child another appointment. It is important to have your child’s vision assessed, and if it has not been possible to do so in school, we will forward a referral to the orthoptic clinic for your child to have their vision assessed there. An Orthoptist has specialised training which enables them to assess, diagnose and treat squints, amblyopia (poor vision) and abnormalities of binocular vision (3D VISION). Orthoptic treatment aims to maximise vision and relieve symptoms. Orthoptists work with eye consultants and opticians as part of the eye care team.
Eye examinations are available free of charge to all children under 16 and you can book an appointment directly with a local optician.
We have taken your child’s name and address from the Child Health computer system and we process all the information we hold on this system in accordance with GDPR and Data Protection Principles.
If you have any queries regarding this information or require it in an alternative format, please contact your local school nursing team on 028 9504 1847.
Primary 1 Health Review | Special School
The school nursing team will be visiting your child’s school to offer your child the P1 health review.
We realise that it is likely that your child will be involved with a range of services to meet their specific health needs. The P1 health review is a further opportunity to discuss any unmet health needs that you feel your child may be experiencing.
The school nursing service aims to promote the physical, emotional and mental health of all children and young people during their time at school. The services offered will help to identify health and developmental concerns, and discuss appropriate signposting to the relevant services.
Before signing, the enclosed consent forms please read carefully the information on the reverse of this letter regarding who can consent for health reviews and immunisations. The consent forms include questions about your child’s health and development and a Tuberculosis (TB) risk assessment. If required your child may be referred to another service for further TB assessment. Your child will not be receiving any immunisations at this contact.
Please ensure all forms are completed as accurately as possible, signed by the person who has Parental Responsibility (see accompanying information) and returned together to school the following day.
A member of the school health team will review the returned consent form, and will be in contact with you to discuss any concerns you have brought to our attention. During this telephone contact, we can discuss whether it is suitable for your child to be seen by a member of the school health team, and if you would like to attend the appointment also. If you provide consent, and your child is seen in school without you present, an outcome letter will be sent home. A member of the school health team may also be in contact to discuss the outcomes.
The P1 health review, where appropriate, includes the following:
- Vision screening –this will be completed by an Orthoptist in school as detailed in the attached information letter. Please complete the enclosed blue consent form. If your child wears glasses these will be required as, vision will be screened wearing the prescription glasses.
- Hearing screening –where appropriate your child will be asked to wear headphones and respond to a range of sounds
- Growth monitoring – where appropriate this will require your child to remove their shoes before standing under a height measure and to remove any heavy clothes e.g. blazer or fleece before standing on weighing scales.
Healthy eating for school age children – Choosing a wide variety of food from the different food groups is the best way to make sure your child is getting all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. The link below provides information for parents:
Healthy choices. Choose wisely: advice for parents | HSC Public Health Agency
If you have returned the form giving your consent, but your child misses the P1 health review in school, for example due to absence or illness, the school nursing service will offer your child another appointment.
We have taken your child’s name and address from the Child Health computer system and we process all the information we hold on this system in accordance with GDPR and Data Protection Principles.
If you have any queries regarding this information or require it in an alternative format, please contact your local school nursing team on 028 9504 1847.
Year 8 Health Review
The school nursing team will be visiting your child’s school to offer your child their year 8 health review.
The school nursing service aims to promote the physical, emotional and mental health of all children and young people during their time at school. The services offered will help to identify health and developmental issues and enable appropriate action to be taken.
Before signing the consent form please read carefully the enclosed information on the reverse of this letter regarding who consent for health reviews and immunisations. The enclosed consent form is asking for the details of your child’s health and includes questions about your child’s health and development and a Tuberculosis (TB) risk assessment. If required your child may be referred to another service for further TB assessment. Your child will not be receiving any immunisations at this contact.
Please ensure all forms are completed as accurately as possible by the person who has parental responsibility (see accompanying information), signed and returned to school the following day.
Your child can only be seen if the enclosed form is fully completed and you have given your consent. The school nursing team will review the information you provide and complete the Year 8 health review in the school your child attends over the coming weeks. If you wish to discuss your child’s health and development prior to or following the review you can contact the school nurse on the number below. A member of the school nursing team may also be in contact to feedback the outcome following year 8 health review.
The year 8 health review will include growth monitoring and require your child to remove shoes before standing under a height measure and to remove any heavy clothes e.g. blazer or fleece before standing on weighing scales.
If you have returned the form giving your consent, but your child misses the year 8 health review in school, for example, due to absence or illness a further appointment will be offered in the next school year. The school nurse will contact you if you have highlighted any areas of concern on the form.
If you wish to discuss your child’s health and development at any time you can contact the school nurse on the number below.
We have taken your child’s name and address from the Child Health computer system and we process all the information we hold on this system in accordance with GDPR and Data Protection Principles.
If you have any queries regarding this information or require it in an alternative format, please contact your local school nursing team on 028 9504 1847.
Post Primary Immunisation
The School Immunisation Team will be visiting your child’s school during this academic year.
Year 8-Year 12
Immunisation: All pupils will be offered Flu vaccination.
Year 9
Immunisation: Human Papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) will be offered to all pupils in Year 9. Pupils in Year 10 who missed the vaccine will be reoffered in school.
Year 11
Immunisation: Low dose Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio; Meningitis ACWY and Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) will be offered to pupils in Year 11. Pupils in Year 12 who missed these vaccines or did not complete the vaccine programme will be reoffered in school.
Written consent is always sought prior to immunisations. Please read carefully the information about consent which is on the back of this information leaflet.
We have taken your child’s name and address from the Child Health computer system and we process all the information we hold on this system in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018).
It is not normally necessary for parents to be present for immunisations. However, if you wish to be present or would like to discuss any health issue please contact the School Nurse or the Immunisation Team on 028 9504 1847.
Students – Students may accompany the School Immunisation Team as part of their learning programme.