A functional foot orthotic is an insole designed to promote optimal stability and function of the foot and lower limb.
The podiatrist will prescribe a suitable orthotic based on the outcome of a biomechanical assessment.
The use of orthotics will form part of an agreed treatment plan. This may also include advice regarding a stretching programme, footwear, or other factors highlighted during the assessment that inhibit foot/ lower limb function.
Why have I been issued orthotics?
The orthotics issued to you forms part of a treatment plan drawn up by your podiatrist. The type of orthotics prescribed will be defined by the results of your assessment. Devices may be designed to reduce pressure over painful sites, improve stability or to promote more fluid motion. They may be made in the clinic, preformed (off the shelf) or manufactured from a mould taken of your foot.
Orthotics and footwear
Orthotics can only be worn in low heeled shoes. The shoes should be wide/deep enough to comfortably accommodate the orthotics.
Wearing instruction
When issued with your orthotics you should allow a period of time for your body to get used to wearing the new devices.
Suggested 'wearing in' guide
Day 1 – Wear for up to 15mins -1 hour
Day 2 – Wear for up to 2 hours
Day 3 – Wear for up to 3 hours
Day 4 – Wear for up to 4 hours
Day 5+ – gradually increases the time until you are able to wear your orthotics comfortably all day.
Should your symptoms increase or a new pain appears, it is advisable to remove the devices for a period of one day. After 24 hours rest, begin the ‘wear in’ process again. Should problems persist, then you should contact your clinic and arrange a review appointment.
When wearing orthotics it is advisable to regularly check that there is no rubbing, redness, blistering/ irritation to the skin of your feet. Should problems of this nature arise contact your podiatrist. It is important to attend review appointments and bring your orthotics to these appointments.
How long do the orthoses last?
Orthotics will generally last for up to two years or in some instances even longer. It is possible that covering materials may become worn. Should this be the case, please arrange a review appointment. Refurbishment of your devices can be arranged.
Contact the Podiatry Department for more information on: 028 9504 554