2nd May 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has meant many more people have experienced the loss of a loved one, potentially without the right emotional and practical support they needed. Never before has opening up conversations about death and talking to friends, relatives and loved ones in advance been so important.
The Belfast Trust is encouraging our staff and our local communities to get talking about dying, grief and plans for the end of life by promoting a number of events through our digital and social media platforms.
Our Hospital and Community palliative care services have created social media videos that will run during Dying Matters Awareness Week (2-6 May). This is part of a national campaign to open up conversations around death and dying, how and where we die, and what care and support we have in place.
You can view these videos here:
Dying Matters Podcasts
Death and dying are topics that can be really difficult to talk about. As part of Dying Matters Week the Belfast Trust are promoting a series of podcasts from people who have learnt through personal experience the importance of having these tender conversations, and offer advice on where to begin.
- Before I die –A guest speaker shares his experience of losing his daughter and explains the importance of talking about dying.
- Dr Kathryn Mannix, shares her experience as a palliative care consultant and makes the case for approaching death not with fear, but with openness and understanding.
Your life and Your Choices: Plan Ahead
This booklet explains some of the ways in which you can plan ahead and make choices about your future care if you live in Northern Ireland, including information on Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) and Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT)
Dying Matters leaflets
- Things to do before you die
- Supporting bereavement
- Let’s talk about dying
- Talking about dying with people affected by dementia
- Talking about dying with children
- Record of my wishes
- Your checklist for planning ahead
- Your life and your choice