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Belfast Trust recalls 19 neurology patients

7th September 2022

Neurology Recall FAQs

Patient advice leaflet: Support for those impacted by the Neurology Recall

Belfast Trust has identified 19 former outpatients of Michael Watt who should have had their medication reviewed in April 2021 as part of the third Neurology Recall.

Each of these patients has now been invited to an appointment with a Consultant where their medication will be reviewed.

The third Neurology Recall involved the Trust reviewing the medication of former patients who had been seen and discharged by Michael Watt between 1996 and 2012 and who were taking prescribed medications for certain neurological conditions and who had not been reviewed by a Consultant Neurologist in the intervening years. The outcomes from the third recall were published in June 2022. Belfast Trust has subsequently identified 19 further people who should have been part of the third Recall in 2021. These patients were not identified previously due to an error on the Trust’s Patient Administration System.

Deputy Chief Executive, Bernie Owens, said: “We are very sorry these people have not been contacted before now, and I would stress that they are being contacted on a precautionary basis. Each of the 19 individuals have been invited to an appointment where their medication will be reviewed, and if needs be, corrected.”

Information on Neurology patient recall: Phase 1

Information on Neurology patient recall: Phase 2

Information on Neurology patient recall: Phase 3