24th March 2016
Chief Executive, Dr Michael McBride, today announced that Belfast Trust has been awarded IiP Bronze. He said, ‘This is a tremendous achievement and I am hugely proud of Belfast Trust, and you, our staff. This accreditation is an independent international benchmark assessment of our performance through people and reflects the commitment and passion of our staff. Our people are our greatest resource and this award bears testimony to you and the way in which you work to deliver the best possible care each time, every time, to our patients, clients, and their carers. I am indebted to you and will continue to support each of you on this journey of excellence.’
Damian McAlister, Director of HR&OD said, ‘Organisationally, this is a tremendous boost for the Trust and is a true reflection of the dedication our staff show in caring for patients and clients. I want to thank everyone who took part in the month-long assessment, to all those interviewed, and in particular to the Directorate LiT Teams and the LiT Team leads. The encouragement and guidance you have shown has been second-to-none.’
Summing up the accreditation, Lead IiP Practitioner, Stephanie McCutcheon, commented, ‘Bronze [accreditation] is a significant achievement for an organisation of such size and complexity. It acknowledges the commitment to continually reflect, learn and improve in order to adapt to changes in the external environment, and drive transformation through culture, processes, systems, strategy, and people. … Investors in People looks forward to continuing to work with the Trust as part of the journey to deliver on its ambition to be a world leader in the provision of health and social care and recognised as a high performing organisation.’