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Midwife-Led Unit celebrates 1000th baby

24th January 2018

1000 Baby Midwifery Led UnitThe Midwife-Led Unit (MLU) at the Mater Hospital delivered their 1000th baby on 3 January when Christine and Johnathan McGrandle welcomed their new addition, Spencer, to the family.

This milestone birth occurred just a few months short of the fifth anniversary of the unit opening, with this latest achievement offering evidence that the service is meeting the needs of healthy expectant mothers choosing midwife-led care.

The MLU opened its doors on 29th April 2013 and the number of births have increased yearly. The unit provides women with the choice of a home from home experience for labour and childbirth. It has been especially designed with birthing suites, all with pools and private bathrooms and luxury items like flat screen televisions and iPod docking stations. The unit also has bed settees in each bedroom, which encourages the partner to stay overnight to help with the development of parenting skills. This calm and supportive environment promotes normal birth and mobilisation in labour, thereby improving outcomes for mother and baby.

In 2017, 267 babies were born in the MLU. However, a significant number of women also receive antenatal care on this site. To further enhance women’s experience of the MLU, midwives have undertaken additional training in alternative therapies including reflexology and hypnobirthing, which are proving popular options. Water births are also particularly popular in the MLU, with over 50% of women choosing to give birth in the pools.

Chairman Peter McNaney congratulated the MLU on reaching this milestone and extended his congratulations to Christine and Jonathan on the birth of Spencer. He paid tribute to the excellent level of care provided by staff and praised their hard work and support, which contributed to the unit’s success.