9th June 2020

Please see Department of Health statement: Minister launches Strategic Framework for rebuilding services
Read the Belfast Trust Rebuilding Plan – Phase 1
The Coronavirus pandemic has meant that many health and social care services have been stood down or significantly reduced. However, we are now past the first peak in Northern Ireland and we are beginning to rebuild services. As we do so we have to recognise that Coronavirus will be with us for some time, and this will change the way we provide many of those services. Some of the factors that will influence service delivery are:
- The need to ensure that effective infection control measures are in place
- The need for effective social distancing, wherever possible
- The availability of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
- The availability of staff
- Budgetary constraints
The pandemic period has also been a time of innovation, with barriers being broken down and services being delivered in very different ways, including much greater use of technology.
This document outlines Phase 1 of three proposed phases in our plan. It covers the month of June 2020, with Phase 2 covering July to September and Phase 3 from October onwards.
Phases 2 and 3 will be published over the coming months but Phase 1 shows how, in working along with our partners across Northern Ireland, we will begin the journey and how in doing so, we will be seeking to:
- Ensure equity of access for the treatment of patients across Northern Ireland
- Minimise the transmission of COVID-19
- Protect the most urgent services.
We would ask for your patience as services gradually start up again. If you are on a waiting list we will contact you when we can see you.
In the meantime, if you are worried or feel your symptoms have changed, please contact your own GP Surgery.