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Belfast Trust Rebuilding Phase 2 Plan

10th July 2020

Covid-19 Update

See Department of Health statement: Trust rebuilding plans published

Our priority in Belfast Trust is to ensure the continued safety of our patients, service users and staff, while supporting our carers and families, during this challenging time. Our commitment is to recognise and respond to the health and social care priorities across our local community and across the region, delivering the right care in the right place at the right time, and supporting our staff who have continued to show tremendous resilience and creativity during this testing period.

Click here to read the
July – September Plan

As part of our Phase 2 plans, we will continue with the incremental, staged approach to our service delivery that we adopted in June and believe this will ensure optimum service availability within the current constraints during July, August and September 2020. However, many of our services will still be running at lower levels of activity than before the pandemic. In readiness for a potential second surge, which could coincide with winter pressures, we need to prioritise and focus on treating those most in need first. As a result, some patients and service users will wait longer than we would like.

Our plan continues to focus on the delivery of services to the most vulnerable people in our community and those people who urgently require acute care, planned cancer surgery and time-critical surgery in a safe environment.

Our commitment to provide safe compassionate care to all those who need it continues, even if this means delivering services in a different way because of social distancing. The plan, developed in conjunction with Trusts across the region, also recognises the need for our staff to have the opportunity to take leave during the summer. The plan should:

  • Ensure Equity of Access for the treatment of patients across Northern Ireland
  • Minimise the transmission of Covid-19
  • Protect the most urgent services.

As we work to deliver services for those most in need, our absolute priority will be to keep our patients, service users and staff safe.

You can read the full July – September plan here.