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Good Relations Statement

10th December 2020

Good Relations statement

Belfast Trust is committed to the promotion of good relations amongst people of different religious belief, race or political opinion. During Good Relations week 2020, the six Health and Social Care Trusts engaged online with colleagues from the Community Relations Council, the Equality Commission and service users and carers, Health and Social Care staff and Trade Unions, local Council representatives, the Patient and Client Council, the Business Services Organisation, the Public Health Agency and representative organisations to-produce a consistent, clear and unequivocal statement for the Health and Social Care Sector to outline our pledge to promote good relations amongst everyone – our patients, service users, carers, visitors and staff.

Consensus was reached on the following statement and this has since been approved by our respective Executive Teams. This will be prominently displayed throughout Health and Social Care facilities in Northern Ireland to remind everyone of this important commitment.

We recognise that to give effect to this statement, it is important that it is supported by key meaningful actions to be taken forward collectively at both regional and local levels to ensure consistency of approach.

We look forward to working with you to continue in our work to promote good relations and ensure that everyone is treated fairly with respect and dignity across all of our services and in all of our facilities.

Good relations statement