21st June 2021
Muckamore Abbey Hospital patients and staff have been working closely with the Patient Experience Team so that they can gather feedback from the patients in relation to their experience of receiving care or treatment at Muckamore Abbey Hospital.
Patients, Speech and Language Therapists, Tell It Like It Is (TILII) and other members of the Multi-Disciplinary Team have developed an “Easy Read” and “Talking Mat” version of the Patient Experience Team’s questionnaire that they already use in other Hospitals in Belfast Trust.
This is to ensure they can capture the experience of the service users by facilitating communication in a way which they can easily understand and which allows them to express their opinions .The feedback obtained will be reported back to the ward team in real time, within 24hours, and will allow them to quickly recognise where things are being done well but also where improvements can be made to make the experience or service provided better for the patient. This gives the patients an opportunity to share their ideas and opinions and be involved in making changes going forward.
This is the first time that the Real Time Patient Feedback has been adapted in this way to enable people with learning disability who often have difficulty in understanding spoken language make their views known. The Management team at MAH are delighted that the hospital patients now have access to a main stream Service that is provided to the rest of the Belfast Trust hospital population.
The Patient Experience Team will commence fortnightly visits to the Hospital on Week Commencing Monday 14th June 2021.