5th January 2022

Belfast Trust have a number of learning disability information sessions running throughout 2022.
Take a look at our upcoming sessions below:
Be Involved
Monday 10th of January at 11am
Meet with Involvement Lead for Learning Disability (LD) Services Elizabeth Stevenson, to hear more about what involvement is and it’s benefits to LD services. You can share your suggestions on what areas need to be improved and how you can help.
The Learning Disability Forum
Wednesday 12th of January at 6pm
We welcome all family members and loved ones of those with a Learning Disability to join us at the Learning Disability Forum. This session will be chaired by our Co-Director of LD services Tracy Kennedy and co-chaired by carer Lorraine Owens. At the meeting we will review the progress made in our current working groups, listen to the views of those who attend and work together to decide if any additional actions are required and ned to be progressed. The Learning Disability forum is held each quarter so you will receive regular updates on our progress.
Making Your Home Accessible
Wednesday 26th January 2022 at 11am
Have you a loved one with a learning disability and want information on how to adapt your home to meet their needs?
Catherine Podris, Senior Occupational therapist will provide you with information on what supports may be available, including the disability facilitates grant to provide more space in your home.
Office of Care and Protection
Wednesday 16th February 2022 at 11am
Do you have a loved one with a learning disability who does not have capacity or may lose capacity to make financial decisions for themselves?
The office of Care and Protection will be providing information on Enduring power of attorney and controllership applications that may support you in planning for the future.
Presented by Olga Edwards
Centre of Independent Living
Friday 4th of March at 11am
Do you want to change how your care is delivered but are worried about being an employer and the additional paperwork.
The centre of Independent Living can help and will be providing an information session on their services in March.
If you are interested in joining a session, please contact Elizabeth Stevenson on tel: 028 95 043312 or email: elizabeth.stevenson@belfasttrust.hscni.net