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Updated local visiting arrangements from 21 February 2022

18th February 2022

Update to visiting arrangements

Although COVID -19 restrictions have been removed in law, the guidance remains unchanged. The Belfast Trust will continue to have measures in place to protect our patients, staff and visitors.

We continue to recognise the benefits visiting brings for our patients and their loved ones while in our care. We will try to support visiting where possible and in line with local risk assessments. Visiting arrangements are as follows:

  • Visiting will be permitted twice a week by one of two nominated visitors, unless local risk assessments for the area advise that this cannot be safely accommodated. Should this be the case, alternative virtual visiting will be supported
  • Following a risk assessment at ward level, only one of these two nominated people will be permitted to visit at any time throughout the patient’s stay in hospital.
  • You must not visit any of our facilities if you have any symptoms of Covid-19. All visiting must be booked in advance through the Nurse in Charge on the ward.
  • Care Partner arrangements will be implemented within the hospital setting. This will be in addition to normal visiting arrangements and in line with Department of Health guidance
  • Virtual visiting remains the preferred option as this reduces the risk of spread of Covid-19.
  • Virtual visiting may be booked through either:
    • the Patient Liaison Service via the Trust Switchboard
    • a request at ward level

The Patient Liaison Service operates from 9am to 7pm, seven days a week

The Trust will continue to facilitate visiting in special circumstances:

  • vulnerable patients – where an advocate is required
  • elderly patients – where an advocate is required
  • end of life care
  • inpatients in the Children’s Hospital
  • inpatients in the Maternity Hospital

We will keep our restrictions under review and reduce these when the risk of infection falls