23rd February 2022
The Belfast Recovery College welcomes you to our free mental health and wellbeing education and learning programmes. We have a range of courses open to service users, families, friends, carers, all trust staff and anyone with an interest in mental health. Valuing the combined lived experience of mental health and professional knowledge we co-produce and co-facilitate courses to improve the wellbeing of the people in Belfast.
Anyone can apply for the courses and they are completely FREE.
Living with Psychosis, Living with Schizophrenia, Personal Independence Plan (PIP), Living with Self Harm, Exploring Attitudes to Mental Health, Embedding Recovery in Day to Day Lives, Resilience Workshop, Mindfulness, Living with Depression, Building Self Esteem, Creative Writing for Personal Development, Compassionate Journaling, Money Management. And many more!!!
For more information, to enrol on a course or if you are, a peer, carer or professional and are interested in co-facilitating one of our courses then please contact us:
Email: RecoveryCollege@belfasttrust.hscni.net
Phone: 02895043059