24th March 2022

We were delighted to welcome Minister Robin Swann to the Major Trauma Centre at the Royal Victoria Hospital to meet with staff on Wednesday 23 March.
The development of the Major Trauma Centre is a culmination of several years of planning and collaborative work which is now ensuring patients have access to the best model of care following major trauma.
The Belfast Major Trauma Centre offers a range of specialist trauma care services, including a new consultant-led major trauma ward and a rooftop helicopter landing pad which enables NI’s Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) to take severely injured patients directly to the Centre.
The aim of any major trauma network is to minimise the time between a patient acquiring a severe injury and accessing specialist care at the Major Trauma Centre, and thus the adverse impact that any delay can have on their treatment, and ultimately their clinical outcomes.
Since its opening in 2020 the centre has treated 359 patients, 11 under 18s, 259 adults and 89 older people with the average age of those admitted being 48.