24th November 2022
November is Mouth Cancer Action Month, aiming to raise awareness of mouth cancer and the importance of being mouth aware.
As mouth cancer can strike in a number of places, including the lips, gums and cheek, it’s extremely important that we all know what to look out for:
- Ulcers which do not heal within 3 weeks.
- Red & white patches in the mouth.
- Lumps or swellings in the mouth or head & neck area.
Although mouth cancer can affect anybody, around 91% of all diagnoses are linked to lifestyle, meaning that by amending our lifestyle choices, we can help cut the chances of developing mouth cancer.
Risk factors include:
- Smoking – 75% of mouth and throat cancers occur in tobacco users.
- Chewing or smokeless tobacco.
- Alcohol – drinking to excess can increase the risk of mouth cancer by four times.
- Diet – poor diet is linked to a third of all mouth cancer cases.
- Environment
- HPV (The Human Papillomavirus)
Mouth cancer affects over 8,300 people each year in the UK and is twice as common in men as in women. Mouth cancer can affect the face, neck, lips, cheeks, gums, tongue, the floor of the mouth and the roof of the mouth. The good news is that with early diagnosis the chances of surviving mouth cancer are 9 out of 10. That’s why if you notice any white or red patches, unusual lumps and swellings in the mouth and neck or ulcers that don’t heal within 3 weeks then it’s important to visit your dentist or GP. If in doubt, get it checked out!
For FREE, confidential support to help you stop smoking, staff and patients can contact the Stop Smoking Team on:
Telephone: 028 9504 6714
Email: stopsmoking@belfasttrust.hscni.net
Alternatively, you can:
Contact your GP or local Pharmacy
Or go to: www.want2stop.info