14th December 2022
Learning Disability Services in Belfast Trust have launched a new “Future Home” guide. This guide will support adults with learning disabilities and their carers when considering future accommodation options that may support people with a learning disability.
The “Future Home” Guide to Accommodation Options for Adults with Learning Disability was co-produced by service users, carers and staff at the Trust. It empowers people with learning disabilities and their families to make informed choices about their accommodation needs.
The guide is available online, and in print, and includes information to help adults with a learning disability to:
- Understand the different types of support options that may meet their needs
- Prompting them to consider what things are important to them when moving from their current home.
- Understanding the financial implications of different options
- Information on who to contact to start the conversation
Magda Keeling, Learning Disability Service Manager of Commissioned Services in the Belfast Trust said:
“We are committed to delivering safe, high quality accommodation for adults with a learning disability who we support. Belfast Trust provides a range of residential and supported living services. The Trust also works with partners in the private, community and voluntary sectors. We know that choosing the right support and accommodation, which meets the needs of the individual, can be a daunting process for individuals and their families. We hope this new guide will help them feel more informed and supported”.
“We’re very grateful to our Learning Disability Forum who worked with us to develop this guide. A focus group of carers and people with a learning disability provided time and commitment to this process. Their ideas, experiences and feedback have been invaluable. We’re particularly grateful to carer Lorraine Owens who co-chaired the group”.
The “Future Home” Guide includes information on staff who can support you, how to access services and the accommodation options provided or funded by the Trust. It also includes important information about personal choice and best interests, associated costs and what to do if you have concerns about the care delivered is also included.
For more details of how you can work with the learning disability forum to help make improvements in the service, please contact Elizabeth Stevenson on Elizabeth.stevenson@belfasttrust.hscni.net