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What’s your story? Belfast Trust welcomes patient feedback as Feedback February begins.

1st February 2023

A new campaign has been launched in Belfast Trust encouraging patients and service users to share their stories to help shape health and social care services.

Feedback February is an initiative by the Patient Experience Team and reminds all patients, service users and their family members to share their stories via Care Opinion – an independent, non-profit feedback platform for health and social care.

Joan Melanophy, Lead Nurse for Patient Experience, explains:

“Since Care Opinion launched we have received around 1000 stories from our service users and their families and we really value their feedback. It helps us to understand what went well, where we need to improve and how people really felt about their experience. It is essential that we listen and learn from our patients’ experiences so that we can recognise and celebrate good care but also take action to make improvements when needed.

“I’m very grateful to everyone who has taken the time to share their stories so far and to our staff who read each story and reply. By working together, we can help make care better. It’s a challenging time for everyone in health and social care and so it’s humbling and encouraging that we receive lots of fantastic feedback, particularly about our dedicated staff. However, we recognise that there are always opportunities to enhance our services and we learn from people who take the time to tell us about what we can do better.

“Feedback February is a great reminder that we love your feedback, not just this month, but every month!  It’s safe and simple for patients and service users to share your story online using Care Opinion. Simply visit and submit your story. This feedback will be shared directly with the relevant team and you’ll receive a reply from our staff”.

To find out more about Care Opinion and how your stories help improve services and care in Belfast Trust visit