7th March 2023
Belfast Trust is happy to announce that following wide engagement and formal consultation, that its third generation Good Relations strategy: Healthy Relations for a Healthy Future 3 has now been finalised.
The strategy sets out an extensive programme of how Belfast Trust will promote good relations between people of different religious belief, race or political opinion over the next 5 years. Belfast Trust recognises that equality, diversity and inclusion are integral to the provision of safe, effective and compassionate health and social care services and in attracting, recruiting and retaining a skilled and motivated workforce.
Belfast Trust will provide progress updates in terms of the strategy in its annual progress report to the Equality Commission and through its internal assurance structures and also produces a biannual good relations bulletin to help raise awareness of our work and to share examples of best practice.
Should you wish to be included on the distribution list for the bulletin, please contact equality@belfasttrust.hscni.net.