26th April 2023

National Administrative Professionals Day, also known as Secretaries Day or Admin Day, recognises the professionals who keep an office running smoothly every day. Central to any business, these professionals keep an office organised and efficient. The admin staff in Belfast Trust are key to managing staff, patient appointments and information, ordering medical equipment, medicines and many other vital things that help our hospitals and other sites run as smoothly as possible.
To celebrate the day some of our Admin Team have shared a bit about their roles and what it’s like working in their areas.

Adam Harper – Pharmacy Homecare Medicines
What do you do and why do you do it?
I currently work in the Pharmacy Homecare Medicines for the past 6 months. Initially I applied for the job as a change in career, as I previously came from a Financial Services background.
How do patients/service users/staff/students benefit from what you do?
Patients/service users benefit by receiving their treatments/medication directly to their home. Hospital staff, whether it is consultants/pharmacists etc benefit by having the tools to provide homecare to outpatients.
Tell us about a typical day at work?
We process prescriptions by placing orders on our system and sending them to various suppliers who then deliver the medications to the patients. We then receive invoices from the suppliers and these are processed in line with trust procedures and protocols.
If one of your patients/service users/staff/students was sitting with you right now what is the best piece of advice you could give them?
If you are not sure – ask! There is no such thing as a stupid question.
Tell us about the satisfaction you get from your job?
I enjoy working as part of a team and the team I work with are very diverse and friendly. As I have not long started, I feel that the whole team is very accessible and helpful to me as I continue forward with my training.
Tell us a little about your life outside of work?
I have quite a busy lifestyle outside of work and therefore the 9 to 5 hours between Monday to Friday are very suitable to me. However, on my days off I like to socialise with my friends or failing that, binge on a good boxset with a bottle of wine.

Michelle Reid – Admin Support Homecare Medicines
What do you do and why do you do it?
I process scripts for people who require their medication to be delivered to them at home. I also process the invoices for those scripts.
How do patients/service users/staff/students benefit from what you do?
The patient benefits from not having to go to the hospital to collect their medication. Most of the medication needs to be kept in a fridge, so being delivered to their home means that it goes straight into their fridge.
Tell us about a typical day at work?
The first thing that I do is to check the rota to see what I am on that day. I then check the processing trays, and process the invoices that I can do. I then go onto prepping the invoices so that they can be processed.
If one of your patients/service users/staff/students was sitting with you right now what is the best piece of advice you could give them?
Attend your appointments and keep an eye on your stock.
Tell us about the satisfaction you get from your job?
By helping people stay at home and take their medication is enough satisfaction
Tell us a little about your life outside of work?
I am a carer to three people, my parents and my husband. I don’t get much time to myself because of this. I do go swimming once a week.