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Breast Family History information resources launched

24th May 2023

Last week at the 12th Annual joint BRCALinkNI/School of Pharmacy (QUB)/Action Cancer Information Day held on Friday 19th May at the Balmoral Hotel, Belfast. This is an information day is for people at high risk of breast, prostate and ovarian cancer and their families.

The videos and information are now available on the Belfast Trust website and aim to provide information and support to people who have an increased risk of breast cancer due to their family history at the touch of a button. The aim of the resources also is to provide guidance on how breast cancer risk can be reduced.

These collective resources have been developed regionally spanning all five Health and Social Care Trusts and as such have been developed by a group of health care professionals and patients from across Northern Ireland.

The videos include information about the Family History Breast Clinic.

They also include what happens at the clinic and how risk is assessed, how to manage risk, how to be breast aware and the options for breast screening according to risk.

You can view the full suite of information and videos here.