15th July 2024

Belfast Trust is delighted to be presenting the West Belfast Festival Health Lecture for the 2024 Féile an Phobail, Movement Medicine the prescription everyone needs.
Presented by Professor Vicky Coyle from Queen’s University Belfast and Mr Patrick McCarvill from the NI Cancer Research Consumer Forum, the lecture will explore the benefits of physical activity on health for all, and on patients with cancer, hearing from a patient with lived experience of bowel cancer.
The lecture will take place at St Mary’s College, 191 Falls Road on Tuesday 06 August 2024 at 4pm. This is an non-ticket event and no registration is required.
Physical activity has major benefits for our health, mood and energy. It can help prevent and manage many diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
We also know that keeping active can help prevent some cancers, and help patients living with and beyond cancer have better quality of life and potentially better cancer outcomes.
With 1 in 2 of us at risk of cancer in our lifetimes, this could have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing.
This lecture will explore the benefits of physical activity on health for all, and on patients with cancer, hearing from a patient with lived experience of bowel cancer and our research on activity and cancer.
Taking it easy is the risk we cannot afford to take – no matter your health and physical abilities; you can gain a lot by staying active.