20th December 2024

The Planning and Equality team coordinate the collection on behalf of the Trust but could not achieve such success without the Domestic Abuse Support Officers, the people who regularly offer to host collection points, transport colleagues and all of you across the Trust, who give so generously at this time of year. As with previous years, representatives came from Women’s Aid and the Welcome Organisation to the Trust to officially receive the donations.
This year, our staff have been even more generous with hand-knit gifts, toys, vouchers, toiletries, sleeping bags, clothes etc. Kelly Andrews, CEO of Belfast and Lisburn Women’s Aid asked to pass on ‘a big thank you to the staff of Belfast Trust, who donated a huge amount of Christmas gifts and toys to our service’. Domestic abuse is not just physical – it can comprise different types of abuse, financial, sexual, psychological and coercive control.
Our donations can make a big difference to the women and children, affected by domestic abuse and hopefully bring some semblance of Christmas to them.
Kieran Hughes, from the Welcome Organisation, said ‘a huge thank you from The Welcome Organisation. The support of the Trust has been phenomenal and has a real and positive impact on the people who use our services. The donated items will be distributed directly to people affected by homelessness over the Christmas period.’
We genuinely couldn’t do this without you, and wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas.
For any member of our staff impacted by domestic or sexual abuse, please remember that emotional and practical help is available through our confidential support service for staff.
Contact us via phone on 02895 048667 or email Domesticandsexualabusesupport@belfasttrust.hscni.net
Click here for more information